projects | projekte publications | publikationen tribute | silly organic traveller

patricia "trish" jung


publications | publikationen

writing for linux journal | artikel für das linux journal

  • Performers Go Web

    With UpStage, the next theater is only a mouse click away.

    issue 04/2005
  • "Coding between Mouse and Keyboard, Part I"

    This article shows you how to create the GUI of a tiny text editor without being a C++ guru. In Part II, we'll add missing functionality and translate the program into languages other than English.

    issue 09/2002
  • "Coding between Mouse and Keyboard, Part II"

    Version 3.0 of the Qt toolkit promises to make GUI programming even easier. This time we add functionality and and prepare for translation.

    issue 10/2002
    The sourcecode of the program developed in these two articles can be downloaded here.

created | erzeugt: 02/03/03
last update | letzte aktualisierung: 19/10/09
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